Recurring / repeating sales i.e. if we provide a service where we top-up tubeless sealant every 8 weeks, we need to be able to automate that in CL, currently we will need to do it in Xero so the sales income sits outside of CL which is naff.  This one is not Workshop Module related, just CloudPOS related.
To expand on this, we also do scheduled service plans (SSPs) for clients whereby they have a repeating service booking every 3/6 or 12 months for a particular bike. At the moment, we have to manually create these a year ahead and use a creative numbering system to warn us at the last slot that we need to forward create the next year's worth. We have a lot of customers on this SSP so it can be hundreds of manually created entries.
Many of our future services will be recurring and Direct Debit based collections so we need to bring this into our EPOS to make it manageable.
We all need to become more like motor car and motorbike dealerships where the servicing is proactive and this gives us all a more annuity based business. Rather than waiting for customers to come in the door - but the software needs to support the change. It's hapenning a lot in Europe now as the market switches to eBikes predominantly. Really hoping this is included in Workshop 2 (or 2?) this year. Recurring entries is really good for business. Thanks for reading.