I've just been speaking to a user who used the old DRS addins for RMS, and they suggested what I think might be some cool changes to the workshop tags. The suggested new format would look something like this. The key information is at the top, so it can be seen quickly in a folder style view, it also matches the old Sutherland guide for running a workshop. Here is a summary of the proposed changes • Includes customer contact information (name, phone, email) prominently at the top. • Features the bike details (make, model, size, color) as part of the header. • Uses a barcode at the top for tracking purposes. • Organizes data in a table format, separating items/labor clearly. • Includes detailed pricing (price, quantity, extended) in columns. • Notes field is included in the item table. • More item lines are displayed and the width of the page is better used, this leads to less paper waste with orders spanning multiple lines, and its clearer in a busy workshop environment There is a sequence of checks at the bottom, see the third screenshot. If we do this in a configurable manner, that would make the development a more complex piece. I like the format, but I'm unsure about dropping the branding, do our customers give these to customers, if so it likely we'd want to retain that, but we could move it to the bottom so the key information is a lot clearer.