Generate Purchase Orders based on Supplier with lowest cost.
Patrick Delaney
When auto-generating Purchase orders for Customer orders or re-orders, could we get the ability for the supplier with the lowest cost be chosen, and not necessarily the supplier checked as "Primary"? This could be implemented at the item level, by having a checkbox that instructs the primary supplier to always be the one with the lowest cost. And of course, we should be able to bulk edit this option via a wizard.
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime
We oddly discussed this yesterday this is in our plans for functionality to add to POS 2 after the BETA launch, as well as allowing you to pick a selection of suppliers when raising orders based on reorder levels or customer special orders.
Patrick Delaney
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime This is great news!