Did you know: When you book a Purchase Order in to stock the Supplier Costs are overwritten to the Purchase Order Cost price.
This causes us all sorts of problems.
We put a lot of effort into keeping the Supplier Costs accurate. We can't use SIM for this as SIM cost prices are not accurate for us so we run them manually so that when a Purchase Order is raised it has the correct cost price on it.
Pre-orders, staff purchases, special deals, bulk purchases etc all have lower prices on the Purchase Order. When they are booked in to stock the Average Cost prices are updated correctly and accurately and work very well.
The actual Supplier Cost price is then also updated meaning that any further Purchase Order raised will have an incorrect and too low price on it.
What is needed is an option when booking in Purchase Orders to update average costs (as the system currently does very well) but to please leave the supplier cost price alone.
The default option should be set in Configuration for the company with a tick option to change this on every Purchase Order (if you need to).