Simple Transfers for a multi-store
George Warehouse
Transfers are something that, in our opinion, take longer than they need to.
Currently there are 4 steps in this and they don't flow together correctly for us. See the link for a 'quick' transfer:
I would like to see the following adjusted:
First 'Create Transfer' button click - could this not take you straight to the new transfer without needing to click the link?
Clicking 'mark as placed' goes straight to 'book out' page for the transfer (far more common then not booking it out there and then) rather than clicking the link. Or better yet, the Goods out screen could be a part of the mark as placed screen?
Less warning messages across all of the transfer screens.
Auto saves after every quantity/item change.
These may seem like small changes, but I think this would relieve many mistakes with in-completed transfers and would streamline the process.
George Shipman
Hello, has there been any update with this at all? Thanks
Those adjustments to Transfers sound very ideal. A few of those information pop-ups and steps aren't necessary.
I agree with Enfys and Ben T regarding the items being transferred when transferring orders from one store to the next. This would make life a lot simpler regarding Work Orders and Work Shop jobs etc.
Could it also be possible when moving a sale from one store to another to simlpy have a box that allows you to tick if you wish to also move all items on that sale.
We find that we can often do multiple transfers over the course of a day ending up with multiple transfers to manage. It would great if, when requesting or creating a transfer for an item, it could be added to an existing open transfer. This would mean you could build up a list of items over the day and issue it all on one transfer at the end of the day.
I'd also like to see the option to print the transfer to a 40 column printer too.
Just a thought on this that it could be similar to how the Courier Integration works where you close the batch at the end of the day.
Ben T
I would love to see an option for when you are moving an order, to transfer all stock that is on the order, at the same time, this would make the process a lot smoother when someone's order has come from another store with a lot of items, it saves the need to Copy and paste tonnes of part codes onto a transfer.
Ben T: Need this for workshop jobs to. We've been transferring jobs to between workshops when one gets too busy and we've only just noticed that the parts do not get transferred automatically. Oops!
Ben T
Info: Almost the exact same issue with us. the drop off area is in the shop, which has some spares like chins and brake pads, and the actual workshop is in another location which means lots of transfers every day for moving orders
Dan Donnan
A development request has been created to improve the flow.
There is no ETA at the moment, but it is linked to this post so you should receive a notification when work begins.
Dan Donnan: on the stock enquiry pop-up, there is a stock in transit between stores link which currently opens the reports. I can't help but feel that this would be more useful if it opened the relevant Goods In page so it can be received.
Harley Watts
Agreed. I'd like to see a 'request transfer' link inside the stock enquiry popup screen. Subsequent choices could be to: 1. request immediately, 2. Create new transfer or add to existing open transfer (to add further items). This would allow requests to be initiated inside POS. Maybe there could be transfer notifications and some elements of fulfilling transfers done from POS too?
Current transfer proccess is very drawn out, and could easily be simplified down to far fewer steps.
The process for ALL transfers needs to be be a much quicker/slicker user experience
Tim Williams
Anything to simplify the process will be good to have, along with a prompt to ensure correct store is selected will hopefully be able to be introduced.
Agree with this! Anything to make life simpler...
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