Brands give us set dates/times for new products to go live, sometimes months in advance. We have tried using the item pre-launch wizard, but this only gives us the option to choose a date but not a time and it only works if we have already activated the products, some of our products can't be shown to customers until the launch date.
This gives us a few issues such as:
* Boxes of products are stuck in our office waiting to go online.
* It causes issues on Instagram regarding tagging products on the launch date due to the catalogue syncing at midnight the day the product goes active, meaning we miss out on potential sales.
* Sometimes launch dates are outside of our working hours, meaning we must launch after the official date, missing the initial hype and again, potentially missing out on sales.
We do daily checks regarding local stock that is not active, products with launch dates show up as in stock but inactive on a list of many items that need re-activating, occasionally we activate products before the launch by accident, which upsets the brands.
Is it possible to add a feature that allows us to set an activation date/time on mt in advance?