Age and ID Verification Service and Integration for knives, axes and guns
under review
Looks like things are set to change again. We're likely going to need to:
- Deliver to the Person and address on the order (currently anyone over 18 can accept the order with proof of ID) Royail Mail have an ID service SDY that could suit.
- Online - Match the name, address and video to the person purchasing the item. There are solutions out there and it would be good if we knew who you plan to partner up with. We currently use one of's services but would prefer it to be integrated. Need to know what your plans are before we invest futher.
Changes could be getting enforced this spring.
If we could get ahead of this it would be another string to CLs bow.
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime
We're are going to look into this, can I have a list of the age related services people want adding for Parcelforce and RoyalMail please?
Peter Carol
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime tracked 48 age, tracked 24 age. Express48 with age verification and express 24 with age verification. Saturday with age age verification
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime I've emailed the codes for royal mail
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime
under review
Spoofing is not a solution especially when you throw international into the mix. As Peter points out it all goes to pot once someone adds a number of items. We've someone in France determined to buy kendal mint cakes for example. It's a patch that's just about holding for now
Adding the AGE and ID services would be a move in the right direction. Flagging them too. If whilst we're adding royal mail services could you add the Special delivery guaranteed Next Day? Please. Currently only the more expensive before 9am and before 1pm are available. We send everything over £350 Special and could save up to £1 on each of these if you add the service.
A change is coming to selling knives/guns/axes online and it'll likely be with video authentication, photo ID and utility bill, all needing to match the buyer to the address. And then the courier required to deliver to the buyer at the address given. Royal mail may have to add another service to achieve this. Currently their age check only checks the Age of anyone accepting the parcel or even a neighbour. RMs ID check combined with Age Check might be the service we have to start using...
We have the following Spoofing weight bands:
0-9g - prohibited/restricted internationally but ok in the uk
10-99g - flat things
100-9,999g - most things
10,000-99,999g - pointy things
All other Prohibited/restricted items that cannot be shipped internationally will have a “packed weight” of 1g and will only have Tracked 48 and Special delivery as an option to within the UK
All ‘flat items’ (socks, buffs, maps, etc) will have weights between 11 and 99g and the customer will have the additional option of Large Letter and International Tracked
The vast majority of items will have a “packed weight” of 101g and have the options; tracked 48, special and international.
Lastly knives and axes will have a packed weight of 10,001g so that when a knife/axe is added to the basket the only option the customer has is an age verified service.
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime
Would supporting the royalmail and parcelforce agechecked checked services resolve this problem, to look at agechecked we'd need the version 4 checkout to be up and running, but if we support these services does it help resolve the problem? I think we can find a way so these are the only delivery options shown for baskets containing age verified items by spoofing the item weights.
Peter Carol
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime we spoof the weight limits with aband exclusive to bladed items, but if they order two or more items this breaks down. There's also an issue on what goes royalmail and what goes parcelforce (currently done on value) but this breaks down too with some knives worth more than some big axes. I have considered a weight band for knives and one for axes, but each will only work for one item. Had an order today for a knife and two other items today so they were able to choose a non age verified service.
Getting the age checked services would avoid cut and paste errors to royalmail and parcelforce, though parcelforce is an option in a dropdown as an add on to the service so may be tricky.
You did have something to do with medicines I believe which were flagged?
The ideal would be items flagged for age verification, which then limits the delivery to age verified services then age verify the customer if they haven't already been flagged as age verified, but not to the point of disallowing the order.
Currently we accept a photo of driving license or passport as an alternative as we have customers struggling with agechecked. The new rules are something else I haven't looked into yet, though agechecked say they can do it. Ideally there would be a cost add on for agechecking too, but not if already done and not required again.
All seems to be an issue because someone didn't follow the current rules when selling via Amazon.
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime
Peter Carol So adding the additional services is a step forward, but does not resolve the problem? I might be able to help with the weight spoofing, one trick is to put the age restricted stuff at a very high weight level and then spoof the weights so each knife weighs say 100kg, but anything above 100kg hits the restricted services. This would resolve your dual item issue, and would force the order onto an age restricted service, removing your risk of a mistake here.
You would still need to amend the orders weight to be accurate at the point of despatch so there is manual faffery but it would perhaps make your compliant?
Peter Carol
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime That's correct, the 100kg is a good idea, I will look into that, I might make it higher as we can sell a hefty tent setup.
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime
Peter Carol I would not want to carry that tent! My two person one weighs about 2.4kg and that gets me complaining. I have an MSR Hubba 1.5 man, which is much lighter.
Ah roll on the spring and a night in the hills.
Peter Carol
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime The courier test won't accept 100kg, so I can't test it.
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime
Peter Carol don’t understand sorry, a screenshot might help then I’ll get someone to give you a hand, we’ve done something similar elsewhere but I didn’t do the setup.
Peter Carol
Peter Carol
We need this and a way to restrict the shipping services used for bladed items. We also need royalmail and parcelforce agechecked on the system. This applies to at least 1000 shipments a year, and action on this was promised in our original sales meetings over 3 years ago. It creates a lot of unnecessary admin for us.