Change KG to Lbs for US delivery pages
Ashley Brey
On the delivery page on the Pete's Garage website, due to having to set weight bands for the shipping, it is displaying the weights as Kilograms instead of Pounds and ounces on the rates table.
Could this be updated/amended to show in imperial units instead of metric?
This post was marked as
in progress
This has been added to our development schedule, and will be ready to release at the end of next week.
Neil McQuillan
Sorry for this, it's a mistake on our part. We will look into this for you.
Richard Twinn
Neil McQuillan: also the 0-1kg is at the bottom of the list, should be at the top so it's in weight order
Ben Kippax
Richard Twinn:
That's definitely a fair comment.
After an internal discussion we've landed on the following;
Delivery options will be ordered by max. weight descending, then ordered by price.
This means that any "free options" based on the most frequently configurations of shipping options, will be first in the list.