Quote Conversion to Special Order/Layaway
Adam Simmons
The "Customer Special Orders, Workshop Jobs, Quotes and Layaways" would be more accurate if when a quote got converted the Special Order/Layaway creation date updated to the date it was converted, rather than just a note. Currently the Special Order/Layaway keeps the date that the quote was created so when you are reporting on new sales at the end of day it does not appear.
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime
under review
Dave Sheppard
I would support this change but for a different reason - it would ensure that customers transitioning from quote to order were prioritized in the correct priority order based on order creation (not quote creation) date and time. Currently this would not be the case and customers could bypass a queue if they had a quote and moved to order.
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime
Adam Simmons OK we've had a chat, we can change this there is no technical reason why this is a bad idea as I originally thought. We'd concerned that altering this might lead to complaints from other customers who rely on the original date. That said I think your argument that you want to see the sales revenue dated on the day the quote was converted to an order is compelling. I'm waiting to see if there is any negative feedback on this post otherwise I can see us making this change. I'll ping some retailers who I suspect might have a view one way of another this post to generate activity and see if we can start a debate so we don't implement this and then have to reverse it back out.
Overall, I'm a fan of the idea.
Adam Simmons
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime that is great to hear, I am glad that my suggestion makes sense, and I'll keep my fingers crossed that the other retailers you contact don't have any objection to it and you are able to change the coding.
Adam Simmons
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime how is this progressing..?
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime
Adam Simmons I've just seen Dave Sheppards comments, we'll get this sorted. This will be in the May Cloud POS release unless we hit an unexpected blocker.
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime
We're just debating this, we saw the creation dates as 'unalterable' or 'immutable' in software terms and changing them on some entities makes us jittery. We could copy a quote and close it into a new order, but then that is a lot more work and I'm not sure thats right either. We are pondering