Having moved to Citrus Lime from another provider, the one thing they had which Citrus doesn’t is an automatic text message reminder system, we though was brilliant and brought us quite a lot of repeat service work.
When selling a new bike, we would like to setup an automatic text message or email schedule reminder. (We offer 2 free services at 1 month and 7 months), so would setup an automatic message at 1 month from sales date, then another every 6 months from then onwards. The customer is reminded automatically every 6 months their bike is ready for a service. (Dates are adjustable of course) We found this system an excellent source of repeat business and additional P&A sales when customers visit to drop off or collect service work.
We’d really like this type of thing added to Cirtus Lime, probably in customer records and could tie in nicely with the new ‘Service Item’ feature, it would be nice to be able to tie in an automatic service reminder to each of the customers bikes.
I’d be happy to explain how this worked in greater depth if anyone from the development team wants more details.