The workflow of jobs through the workshop needs to be improved to allow managers and customer service teams to see at a glance the status of any job going through the workshop. At present it is very difficult to find an individual job amongst the quantity that are currently on the list (375 items).
When a customer phones, they want to know what is the status of their bike right now. The customer service agent currently has to search through the 300+ jobs for that customer's bike only to find a listing that says nothing about where the job is in the Workshop's current priority queue (as CitrusLime doesn't have one)
What is needed is a Live Job Status (see attached) page that just shows what stage every job is at. Once a job is complete, it can be taken off the list.
The Live Job Status page should list:
Date Rec'd: this is the date the customer dropped their bike off for Quote/Repair.
Customer Name:
Bike: this is their bike make & model, which we normally enter in the Order Reference field. So it might equally be a 26 in MTB wheel for a re-true. However, it is critical this field contains information about the job that is meaningful to the customer as this is what the Manager/Customer Service use when talking to the customer.
If any of the above fields are double-clicked, it should open the Workshop Module Job directly (not the diary as it is too hard to find one job amongst over a dozen/day across several mechanic's in the diary view.
Quote Status: this is the status of the job in the workflow, where
Triage = being put through Bike Safety Check to determine what work is needed.
Assess = Safety Check is done, but part identification is non-trivial, which requires more research.
Approval = Quote/Estimate is ready, but the customer must approve it before any repair work can proceed.
Proceed: customer has agreed to the work, so it can be converted from a Quote to a Workshop Job.
Rejected: customer has rejected the quote and bike must be returned to them with no further action or work on it.
Estimate: this is the figure the repair estimate figure the customer has been quoted
Repair Status: this is describes the type of repair/job in the Workshop Queue and where they are currently in terms of progress.
Unallocated = the job is being quoted or has been quoted, but not allocated to a mechanic.
Post Sale: Bike has been purchased, but needs a Post-Sale or PDI inspection by the mechanic (highest priority).
Warranty: this is a bike that has been returned with a warranty fault (highest priority)
Parts: Bike has been assigned to a mechanic, but some parts are out of stock or must be specially ordered. Job cannot continue until all parts are received.
Repair: bike has been assigned to a mechanic, all parts are in stock and mechanic is on the job now.
Ready: all repair work has been completed and bike is now with Customer Services waiting for the customer to collect and pay any outstanding balances.
Collected: Customer has been and collected his bike, so this job can be removed from the Live Job Status list at the end of the working day.
Final Amount Due: This is the final amount the customer needs to pay, which may be more or less than the original estimate figure depending on what the mechanic came across when undertaking the repair. If there is a difference between the Estimate and Final figures, then a reason code must be set along with Notes added to print on the customer's receipt to explain the difference.
Notes: these should link to the job notes and display the most recent note. If this line is clicked, it should open the full job details and display the full notes for the job both Customer and Workshop/Admin to provide a history trace of all communication during the course of this job.
Mechanic: This is the assigned mechanic on the job, so the Customer Service rep knows who to call to discuss any issues raised by the customer.
Quote Status: list of the various workflow states of the Quote
Workshop Job Queue: list of various workflow states of a Workshop Job.
Priority: There should be a means for the manager to highlight jobs that are high priority (e.g. should queue-jump or be otherwise accelerated through the workflow). This is necessary to be able to expedite the work for a customer who is upset at delays, otherwise cantankerous, is a key worker or for any other reason the Manager feels that this particular job requires special 'get it done now!' attention.