Create API which allow purchase order & transfer completion
Simon Edge Sports WH
Hi Neil / Suzy, please can you add in the ability to:
- Complete a transfer and receive the Goods Out Transfer ID
- Confirm items on a Goods In transfer, and also the ability to add a serial number if this is a serialised item e.g. PUT /api/ToGoodsOut with parameters:
SerialNumberString (used if item type is Serialised)
Quantity (used only if item type is not serialised)
We would also like the ability to scan items in to a Stock Take because your system does not work with our Honeywell Mobile Devices - in Chrome we get loads of double scans, and in Firefox we lose scans ... very weird - any help appreciated that your support team could not offer. Also, there is not sufficient logging of barcodes that are not recognised - meaning that sadly the stock take is likely to be wrong anyway as occasionally there is a bad scan, meaning that a mobile app will work better as it can build in error control.
The stock take could just be created manually as standard, but then items scanned in to it.
Simon Edge Sports WH
Is this to allow a Transfer to be committed and sent and a purchase order to be committed ? That is what we need ...
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime
Richard Twinn
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime: is this still planned? and putting this change in at the same time would be useful!
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime
Merged in a post:
Update inventory via api
Michael Washington
It would be good if we could update the available and/or on hand inventory for items via the api. As then can get stock info from another system and update it instead of manually. Not good when have over 5k of items to update
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime
I believe this would address this?
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime: I don't think it would. They sound like completely different requests. In our case we are looking to adjust stocks directly without any need of PO's or transfers. We are looking to create a stocktake app and also use a dummy warehouse store that will need updating (which is too awkward currently to do with the Cloud POS stocktake feature).
Jon Mayo
Ben: Agree with this, we have the same requirement for an additional warehouse location to be updated with inventory levels, separate to any purchase order
We could really do with this our end. We would like to develop some apps for both stock takes and store inventory updates.
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime
Ben: I we thinking about this further and you maybe correct, however in your example above would you not want the ability to create stock takes via the API those avoiding literally stack of code to adjust around sales/movements during the stock take? We take account of that, so if the stock take is done whilst the inventory location is active we adjust movements based on the times of sales of goods.
I'm wondering if we need to both, I cannot see the benefit of completely automating a PO & transfer, it would skip goods in processes, and if this is whats needed then simply updating inventory records might be adequate.
Either way the ability to create POs and Transfers is in the next API release, the stock will of course need to go thru the goods in processes but that seems desirable to me otherwise there is no human check on inbound/moving goods.
Just my thoughts on this one.
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime: If I am honest we have never created a process internally that means our warehouse team understand exactly how sales/movements affect the committing of a stocktake. For this reason we do not use stocktakes anywhere near as thoroughly as we should and if we carry out a stocktake and there is only a few adjustments I think the team tend to manually adjust the stock and delete the stocktake rather than committing it. Therefore I have not accounted for this in scoping this.
I think for:
- Dummy Warehouse Store (POS lane) // We would definitely need the API to be a straight stock adjustment end point. The daily routine being to 0 out all stock that it does not find on an upload (in case of suppliers giving us files with only "in stock" lines).
- Stocktake App // We could either integrate with Citrus stocktakes or build from the ground up. The benefit of the latter being that we could refresh the stocktake on the go and build lots of cool live features and commit the stocktake completely on the app. Agreed it would be more work but would perhaps feel less clunky.
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime: Before this goes off our radar do we need to create a new Canny post now that these have been merged as the title does not suit our needs? Or are you still actively considering the comments?