Citrus-Lime API

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Door Counter Integration
Door counters are typically stand alone devices that tick a count every time the store's front doors are opened. Others will count individual people who enter the store. At a base level, a door counter can provide valuable insight into a business's conversion rate. Beyond that, seeing hourly, daily, or weekly fluctuations in foot traffic can help a business owner identify trends for staffing needs, marketing, merchandising, etc. Tying this data to CloudPOS reporting could help in a myriad of ways. There are one of a few ways this could be implemented: Manual door counting field: Add a manual entry field at the close of day operations in the register that someone can record the total count. This field could then be added as a variable in day two financial reports, ideally. Would work with all door counters, even the most basic technology. Add to the API: Allow the above field to be editable by our API, providing door counter companies the ability to write their integration and automate recording of the data. Would work with some of the more advanced door counters. Identify an ideal counter and create integration: Aligning with an existing door counter company and working with them to create an integration with our system so that we can sell a packaged solution for adding this sort of data to the CloudPOS package. With each of these options, the door counter field would be referenceable as a variable in several reports, especially the day 2 financial reports, but even potentially in staff performance reporting.
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