Increase the font size on A4 Receipts so they can be read
Adam Nixon
At the moment, A4 receipts do not have the option to configure the font size and therefore you have to use the default. It is incredibly difficult to read and we have had complaints from staff and retailers!
It would be great if the font size could be increased to a generic readability if not configurable.
Neil McQuillan
We have increased the font size on A4 receipts. We'd missed updating this Canny, but it was done before Christmas.
Suzy Weightman
Merged in a post:
A4 Customer Receipts, Text size
David Thornley
Can you please, either add functionality in setup, to set the text size on the A4 receipts, or increase it across the board in line with print industry best practice. Personally, I struggle to read these documents, and I am sure that there are customers that face the same challenge.
Suzy Weightman
Merged in a post:
Text is Too Small on the Full Size Receipts
Toby K Selph Arnett
CURRENT SITUATION: We use the full size receipts, hanging in clear plastic document holders on the bikes that are in for repair.
PROBLEM: Unless I have my strongest magnifying glasses on, I can't read the text (it's so small ... 6-8 point text). See the attached pdf file of a work order.
DISCUSSION: My previous receipts were 12-14 point type, which I (and my customers) can read without glasses. See attached pdf file.
RECOMMENDATION: Please increase the font size on the full size receipts.
Thank you,
Suzy Weightman
Hi all,
We've reworked the full size receipts to try and ensure we could get as much content on one page as possible to save paper waste.
We're going to increase the font-size on the receipts as we agree it's too small.
As Simon mentioned, a work around in the mean time is to adjust the scaling on the print from your browser.
Suzy Weightman
Hi all,
We updated the Full Size documents recently, with an aim to getting more content on one page (based on feedback - With a larger font, the content we can fit onto one page is reduced.
Without us making the font size fully customisable, it's difficult for us to get this right for everyone - however, there is a work around which can be used.
If printing from your browser there is the option to alter the Scale of the print options.
Peter Carol
Suzy Weightman What point size is on the updates, I'd say minimum 10pt for basic accessibility.
Suzy Weightman
Peter Carol: Hi Peter,
The main font size is 10pt, with the item lines being slightly smaller at 8pt - this allows us to get all of the columns for lines onto one line on the document.
Toby K Selph Arnett
In order to have more room for different columns and larger text, CL could:
- Take out the Sales Tax and Tax Type - not needed for every line item
- Set the margins left and right at 1/2" instead of 1"
- Add a column for $s Saved (next to Discount %). Folks want to see what they saved on each item.
Gina Ortiz
I agree! Also, please increase font size on the price labels too, for the same reason. On both the receipts AND the labels, text should be larger but also needs to be thicker. It is very thin and very small and very hard to read...
Norvite Farm & Country
Completely agree - old style was much smarter too.
Richard Twinn
it would be great to modernize this or at least have it more customisable to suit our brand and layouts etc.
Stephanie S
Seriously, I tried to print an invoice and it looks like 5 or 6pt font on these!
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