Adjusting visible hours on workshop scheduler
It would be great if the hours shown on the workshop scheduler could be amended. We only open 09:00 - 18:00 but the scheduler has times from 06:00 - 23:00. This means over half the screen is unusable. Whilst it's useful to have some space at the end of the day to drag jobs that need following up, it doesn't need to be more than the day itself!
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Awesome! Where are we adjusting the hours?
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Suzy Weightman
Hi all,
We've had a look into this and we'll add a configuration per store to set your visible hours in the workshop calendar.
We'll also adjust the height of the calendar accordingly to make use of as much as the screen as possible.
We're aiming for this to be available in the July release of Cloud POS (3rd July)
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime
under review
We expect this to move to planned nest week. There is a strong chance this will be in the July Cloud POS release if this is the case the status will change to planned next week.
Richard Twinn
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime: Suzy Weightman to confirm, will this allow us to set the store view from midnight to midnight if required? Thanks
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime
We could add a diary start and end time to the store setup page, that way people can setup this view however it suits their store rather than it being fixed at 0600-2359.
For example if you are open from 1100 - 1800 you could set this 1100 to 1800 giving much more space for your appointments.
We are not going to do anything clever at this stage like trying to link to store opening times as we know some workshops work different hours to the actual front of house stores and the diary component we use is not capable of that kind of display. This is a simple way to give more space to your opening hours.
Tom Martin
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime: I think that could work. And this would be sticky- set up so it is not needing to be adjusted every time you look at the calendar?
I agree it calendar view should have some flexibility so the shop manager or owner can customize it.
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime
Tom Martin: Brilliant. Looks like we can sort this one out.
Neil McQuillan - CEO Citrus-Lime
PM: I think this one is going to get sorted in fairly short order, the linked one we'd like to do but it might take us longer.
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