We want to start utilising star buys more in our strategy but there are a couple improvements which I think would make it considerably easier to use. Dashboard – currently there is no way in MT to view all star buys, active or unactive, and be able to edit them, deactivate them etc. – If we’re going to use them more, we’ll need to be able to manage them as well as we can manage everything else in MT. Facet Filters – when making star buys I know the product on deal is set via facet filters, but the fact that the initial product to purchase to get a deal has to be manually selected is not very useful for making star buys an on-going thing. For example, if I set up a star buy which is initiated by adding a Carhartt jacket on a current season code, I can select all current Carhartt jackets and make the star buy, however the next week we may upload another 10 carhartt jackets – now these 10 aren’t on the star buy. I’d recommend making both the initial product and the deal product available to set up using both filters AND manual selection, for the sake of versatility. Cheers!